SIMBYM can help your organization eliminate the proliferation of tools, it has all the required modules of operations to run the organization effectively and efficiently to meet goals successfully. We have a complete Integrated digital Business Operations Platform with over a dozen modules. You can purchase just the modules you require, to run your operations -or- All modules With SIMBYM, sustainability comes a full circle and we are completely future proof, as our initiatives evolve constantly, our circularity takes shape, to help every enterprise march on to next-generation software.

Does my business need a PPM system -or- ESM system -or- BPM system -or- EWM system -or- Asset Management -or- Knowledge Management?

Maybe you've heard about Projet 360® / Servizo / Orquester® / Vorque® / Assetrix® / Cognitio® etc., but you're not sure if your business is ready to make the jump for any of these systems or combination of these systems or all. There are many business scenarios that highlight why
Projet 360® (Project Portfolio Management)
Servizo 360 (Enterprise Service Management)
Orquester® (Business Process Management)
Vorque® (Enterprise Work Management)
Assetrix® (Asset Management)
Cognitio® (Knowledge Management)
matters and is important for the business. If one or more of these situations apply to you, the right Projet 360®, Servizo 360®, Orquester®, Vorque®, Assetrix®, Cognitio® system could make your job a whole lot easier, in digital transformation, save time & Money!

1. You have no single system for managing your organization's operations?
  1. Does your company manage your projects manually?
  2. Does your company have a complex system to manage your projects?
  3. Are the employees frustrated using the present tool and use it only for “Time Management?
  4. Are project managers and teams struggling to do project estimations?
  5. Are your project managers struggling to share the required information to their clients?
  6. Do you have little or no visibility into your projects?
  7. Unable to collaborate on the same platform for the respective projects?
  8. Unable to track, maintain, analyze Projects?
  9. Doing your project scope manually, takes weeks or months?
  10. Are you unable to work on templates or store documents to related projects?
  11. Are you unable to enter time and manage resources on the same platform?
  12. Are you unable to manage, projects, time, resources, and analyze in real-time metrics on a single platform?
  13. Are you collaborating on social media? Or public platforms?
  14. Are your reports done on excel? Smartsheet? Outside of the projects?
  15. Are you swamped with email notifications?
  16. Trouble remembering passwords to “too many tools”?
  17. Is your company security compromised? Exposed?
If the answer to any or all of the above questions is “yes”, then that’s one compelling reason why your company requires SIMBYM Projet 360® (Project Portfolio Management) system.

Our Projet 360® system is unique and second to none in the world. SIMBYM has a unique process structure which allows you to plan, execute and track all your projects for both your internal projects and external customers projects with appropriate governance approvals, performance metrics, profitability reports, etc. From the get-go of all projects, starting with preparing of project scope which can be automatically done in minutes not days, weeks or months, to project estimation, etc. SIMBYM allows you to enforce your CMMi or ISO processes to provide auditable conformity as well as track metrics, cost, profitability, etc. This fully automated model allows you to execute with an increased level of efficiency like none other in the world.

Its unique process is simple yet gives you the complete profile of managing all your projects with the greatest visibility to view performance, manage resources, estimate projects, time, budget. At the same time eliminating the complexity of unmanageable, untrackable emails, excel, social collaboration, etc. We take your business security very seriously. We do not believe an organization can have their employees work on social media or open source social tools, for enterprise collaboration and think your security is not compromised. That’s why we at SIMBYM strongly believe an enterprise collaboration needs to happen on the same platform as the projects or tasks system, for the entire enterprise. A link never lost or compromised! Security is tighter.

How do you manage your reports on excel sheets & analyze in real-time? You do not even know if they are real metrics or cooked? And you never get it on time? What good is it, if you do not know how your projects are doing? Are they on track, do you have the right resources, are they the right resources working on your projects? Will the projects be completed within time and budget? With endless questions, how sure are you to finish your projects successfully?

Well SIMBYM helps you to plan, execute, estimate, track, monitor-resources, budget, time on its integrated project management tool automatically, giving the entire company complete visibility. It remarkably excels by generating automatic real-time analytics by forecasting if your projects will finish on time and within budget, like none other in the world. Call it a “crystal ball”, that every organization will crave to have!

You can have Agile, Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban, ITIL or any other type of process to do your projects but what does it mean if you cannot track or manage your projects through completion? Is your organization satisfied if it cannot complete its projects within time or budget? Do notes and stories help complete projects, when your metrics are not in place? It’s harder to help your employees be successful without an effective tool and there is no financial accountability. If there is no visibility to real-time analytics, how does your organization track its true performance or profitability? SIMBYM Projet 360® can be your only answer. Take no chance elsewhere.

Why does your business need a PPM? How does SIMBYM’S Projet 360® help your organization?

To do Analytics is tedious and irksome

Do you and your team go through the cumbersome process of creating reports manually? On excel, canning reports? If the answer is “Yes”, your performance and profitability managing & tracking capabilities are probably best described as “very slim to none.” The ideal scenario in any organization, will be to automatically generate reports and analytics of all your teams and departments in not months but either instant, any time, daily or weekly. That’s the only way the organization will be on the right track. SIMBYM helps any and all enterprises to run their organization with automatic, real-time, predictive & prescriptive analytics for their projects and real-time metrics for the operations of the organization.

Are you unable to track data because it’s not centralized?

Due to lack of data and metrics, follow-ups with your teams and departments will cause you tremendous concern for visibility, tracking and as a result unable to run the organization effectively. Important work-management is lost and uncaptured metrics makes the enterprise weak.

Scalability, your lack of a plan to scale fast:

What if your company faces instant growth from 10 to 300 employees in six months? Are you confident your business processes could scale as quickly as the demand? Let not, your own processes be the obstacle to hard-earned success.

2. You have no single system for managing your organization's operations?
  1. Does your company have manual support and are employees calling on the phone to report problems?
  2. Does your company have only support for Information Technology (IT) department?
  3. Do your employees struggle who or where to send their task or work management?
  4. Does your company have risks, issues, incidents, problems, in any department and no clue how to track, maintain them?
  5. Does your company have trouble centralizing work management?
  6. Does your company have employees raising tickets manually?
  7. Does your company have employees routing tickets manually?
  8. Does your company route your customer's tickets manually and it’s time-consuming?
If the answer to any or all of the above questions is “yes”, then that’s one stark reason why your company requires SIMBYM Servizo 360 (Enterprise Service Management) system.

Our Servizo 360 system is unique only because we do not believe, only IT department has problems to raise tickets, we strongly believe we are here to solve problems of every department in the organization, and our tool keeps it integrated. HR, Finance, Sales, Logistics, Admin, Legal, anyone and every department in the organization can raise a ticket and it will be routed automatically to the concerned person & department. Eliminating manual errors and concern who to send the ticket to? Tickets don’t idle, mismanage, procrastinate they are effectively executed, tracked and maintained. Your customer's tickets are dealt swiftly and history maintained. Our Servizo system brings together all of your ticket data from all departments in the entire organization. So, tasks are built automatically, tasks & tickets are routed automatically, all departments, divisions, teams can raise tickets, they are centralized, tracked, maintained, analyzed and actions are taken instantly from anywhere, anytime, across the globe. The purchase department (IT, Logistics, etc.) will benefit enormously with very granular data and visibility, which will help mitigate time-delay and cost overruns for the company.

Why does any size of business need an ESM? How does SIMBYM’S Servizo 360 help your organization?

3. You have no single system for managing your organization's business operations processes?
  1. Do you have processes in your organization?
  2. Are there processes which are manually managed?
  3. Would you like to have all processes digital, small or big?
  4. Your company has not digitalized some processes due to the cost factor?
  5. Your company has not digitalized some processes due to cost, time & resource factor?
  6. Does your company worry about security?
  7. Does your company fear that in translation the concept is often times lost?
  8. Would you like to build your entire process with our no-coding platform?
  9. Would your company like to have rules engine but unable to?
  10. Would your company like to have Data sets but unable to?
  11. Does your company need metrics for better visibility?
If the answer to any or all of the above questions is “yes”, then that’s one striking reason why your company requires SIMBYM Orquester® (Business Process Management) system.

SIMBYM strongly believes, gone is the era of building any and all processes big or small which will cost huge and takes months or years to build to cater to the needs of different departments, to operate a business. Imagine working on the concept of a process and by the time it is translated to the IT developers, half gets lost and the rest takes forever although compromised. Quality team’s time and the cost is enormous, and they go back & forth to deliver the process. By the time the IT developers release the initial concept of the business process, often the business team is dissatisfied, only because the business itself has changed. SIMBYM took this to heart and said what would mean to have automated coding, so IT can change as fast as the business itself. SIMBYM took it to levels above the rest in the world, by not only defining automated coding but you can have datasets and rules engine, to completely build the process, at truly lightning speed. Today with SIMBYM you can build your business processes at the speed of light! SIMBYM’S Orquester® will eliminate the high cost and long-term period to build your business processes. SIMBYM will eliminate errors in quality testing of your product. SIMBYM will help you build automatic real-time reports which will help you save time & money. SIMBYM Orquester™ will reduce your operational cost & time by 60%. Build the entire process on our No-Coding platform in #HoursNotMonths.

Why does your business need a BPM? How does SIMBYM’S Orquester® help your organization?

4. You have no single system for managing your organization's work?
  1. Does your company have trouble centralizing work management?
  2. Does your company have problems managing & tracking everyday work?
  3. Does your company have employees routing work manually?
  4. Does your company have trouble in collaborating work across different teams and departments in the organization?
  5. Does your company have difficulty in creating custom work items?
  6. Does your company have work items needing automatic approvals?
  7. Would your company like to have Custom Datasets for work but unable to?
  8. Does your company need metrics for better visibility and efficiency?
  9. Wouldn’t your work-life be easier with automatic analytics, which gives you a holistic view?
If the answer to any or all of the above questions is “yes”, then that’s one evident reason why your company requires SIMBYM Vorque® (Enterprise Work Management) system.

VORQUE® helps people in an organization put their best foot forward to complete their work and help their respective departments and the organization thrive successfully in the digital world. Irrespective of the fact if a team is over loaded with work or if they are met with massive challenges. Vorque® is easy, simple to use, intuitive and automatic metrics driven, requires no training. Configure easily to fit any type of business work. Your day-to-day work is raised as tickets and they are automatically routed to any one in your team or department. There is no limit in the tickets one can configure for each team. One can create and route different work types. Vorque® helps, enterprise work across the global organization, departments, teams can plan, strategies collaborate, evolve, and deliver their best work. Vorque® helps teams to accelerate their performance and deliver effective outcomes in a short time. Add more granularity to data with our custom datasets. Enjoy a holistic view with our automatic metrics. SIMBYM’s VORQUE® helps you see the difference for yourself.

5. Are you struggling to keep track of all your assets on a single system?
  1. Have you had trouble in allocating physical assets to your resources (e.g. cubicles, laptops, etc.)?
  2. Do you miss out on license, MOU, SLA renewals thus making it costly?
  3. Are you unable to track when your employees use illegal/unauthorized software?
  4. Are you unable to track hardware changes to your systems?
  5. Do you find it hard to monitor your software patches?
If the answer to any or all of the above questions is “yes”, then that’s a definitive reason why your company requires SIMBYM Assetrix® system.

What would it mean to manage any and all assets, track, manage SLA’s and have metrics? Automatically discover software and hardware. Maintain software, hardware, and any other assets - e.g.: cubicles, gold, cars, laptops, etc. Track and maintain all your licenses, MOU, SLA renewals to avoid expiry or incur costly penalties during audits. You can detect and track illegal and unauthorized software installed on your system. You can track hardware changes to your system and monitor software patches. Our Assetrix® and Auto-Discovery will help save millions of dollars for your organization.

6. Do you find it hard to organize your knowledge items in a single system?
  1. Do you have trouble managing content, FAQs, and training materials?
  2. Do you find it hard to find the right manuals?
  3. Does having a single library, where you can reference any and all matters related to the organization be effective?
If the answer to any or all the above questions is “yes”, then that’s one compelling reason why your company requires SIMBYM Cognitio ® system.

What would it mean to maintain all contents in the bank? We help you do that and maintain, track and change fast. Any and all knowledge items can be stored and tracked. We help you organize, track, manage, and maintain all your content, FAQs, training materials and manuals on a single profound knowledge bank that is seamlessly integrated with the entire application.

SIMBYM has solved the typical pain points: These are just a few-
  • Managing profitability and cost
  • Planning projects, processes, changes and releases
  • Assigning and tracking resources
  • Collaborating across the organization and with teams
  • Tracking tasks, costs, and deliverables across multiple projects/processes
  • Managing issues, risks, SDLC deliverables and defects
  • Using multiple applications to work on a single project
  • Searching for the right Share Point site
  • Getting access to the right systems and projects
  • Finding the right SDLC methodology or document’s template
  • Weeding through folders to find documents
  • Multiple versions of documents floating around
  • Multiple email threads on the same topics
  • No bird's eye view
  • No visibility across the organization
  • No visibility thru completion of projects
  • Today technology has exorbitant costs and time consumption to build processes
  • Users are struggling to route tickets to the right person or department in the organization
  • Tasks are cumbersome when manually generated and routed